
BioNature's Commitment to Sustainable

Development Goals

At BioNature, we believe in the transformative power of agriculture to drive positive change, and we are dedicated to aligning our operations with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a company specializing in the growing of basil, chili, and hibiscus flowers in Colombia, we are proud to contribute to the achievement of several key SDGs.

No Poverty:

In a region where formal employment is scarse, BioNature is at the forefront of change. We are committed to providing and promoting inclusive job opportunities for all, irrespective of age, religion, or sexual orientation. By doing so, we aim to uplift the community, fostering economic growth and breaking the cycle of poverty.

Zero Hunger:

Recognizing the vital role of the agriculture sector in addressing hunger and poverty, BioNature is dedicated to improving food security and creating employment opportunities. Our agricultural practices prioritize sustainability, contributing to a better future for everyone by reducing hunger and poverty.

Quality Education:

At BioNature, we understand the importance of knowledge and skills. We provide comprehensive training aligned with industry best practices to our employees. Moreover, we actively encourage and support our workforce to engage in formal studies. By doing so, we invest in the long-term development of our employees and contribute to the overall improvement of education standards.

Gender Equality:

Promoting gender equality is a core value at BioNature. Over 60% of our employees are women, including top and middle management positions. We have strategically organized tasks to leverage the strengths of both men and women, fostering a collaborative environment that ensures consistent performance and collective success.

Clean Water and Sanitation:

Water is a precious resource, and at BioNature, we are committed to its responsible use. Our irrigation systems prioritize precision and efficiency, using drip lines to minimize water wastage. We avoid external reservoirs to prevent contamination, ensuring a sustainable and clean water supply for our operations.

Reduce Inequalities:

BioNature recognizes the persistent inequalities across various dimensions. We firmly believe that sustainable development can only be achieved by addressing these inequalities. By providing equal opportunities, irrespective of income, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, religion, or opportunity, we contribute to long-term social and economic development.

Responsible Consumption and Production:

BioNature is dedicated to responsible consumption and production practices. We are actively working towards reducing single-use plastic on our farm and minimizing overall plastic usage. Our commitment extends to investing in higher quality products, thereby increasing their life cycle and reducing waste. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.



BioNature is not just a producer of basil, chili, and hibiscus flowers; we are a catalyst for positive change. Our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals reflects our belief that sustainable development is achievable through responsible business practices and a commitment to social and environmental well being.